Yes! Aircraft Bot is completely free and has no features locked behind payment walls.

Maintaing a Discord Bot can get expensive, which is why we have a donations page. If you'd like to support the development of Aircraft Bot, please feel free to donate here.

To join our support server, please head to our discord invite page.

Additionally, if you'd like to directly contact us, you can email us via

If the bot is not responding to commands when you issue them, there could be a number of reasons as to why this is happening:

1. The bot is currently undergoing maintenance - You can view announcements on maintenances here.
2. The bot is experiencing technical issues - If this is the case, we will always update our status page.
3. User-Side issues - You may be experiencing issues on your side which results in the bot not working. If this is the case, please ensure you have a secure connection.

You can keep up to date on the bots status here.

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